Principle Approach School, established to provide Christian families with affordable biblical education.
Maximum Potential Christian Academy (MPCA) is a Pre-School through Sixth grade Classical Principle Approach School, established to provide Christian families with affordable biblical education
Principle Approach is a Christian Philosophy of education and life which places the truth of God’s Word at the heart of every academic subject. It is shaped around three fundamental principles. The first is the “Biblical idea of the child and that every child is uniquely created in the image of God and for His purpose. The second principle is God’s sovereignty in human life and history. Third, that liberty and human rights are a gift of God.
The vision of the Maximum Potential Christian Academy is to see men and women become leaders that love God, love our country, and are dedicated to preserving our Judeo-Christian culture based on Biblical values.
The Mission of the Maximum Potential Christian Academy is to teach each child according to his or her ability so that they reach their Maximum Academic Potential and fulfill God’s plan for their lives.
MPCA accepts children Pre-School through Sixth Grade
Pre- School- 3-year old’s are accepted if they are 3 years by September 30th and potty trained
Pre-Schoolers will be introduced to letters and their sounds, numbers, and quantities through hands on activities. Pre-Schoolers will enjoy learning through a hands-on Bible based curriculum
Christ centered education starts here
Pre-K (4)-Pre-K will build on the foundation that was laid in Pre-School. PreK will include handwriting, literacy concepts, math concepts, science, history through hands on learning
Kindergarten-T he emphasis will be on learning the first 100 sight words, letter sounds, phonics and word families which will lead to independent reading. Basic math operations, history, science is taught through hands on activities
Lower School Grades 1-6
Each academic year builds on the other. Beginning in Grade 1, students are taught to how to reason through the content.
Christ centered education continues through reading classics that teach biblical values. Students read Pinocchio, Heidi, Little House Series Carry on Mr. Bowditch and Poetry.
Writing is essential to effective communication and learning. Therefore, starting in grade 1, students are expected to write about what they have read daily.
Research- Students research in every core subject. In Reading, students research the setting of the classics being read as well as the history and geography of the setting.
Math- Basic Mathematical operations are taught in Grades K-6 addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fraction, graphing
Science- Students will engage in grade appropriate Scientific investigations using the Scientific Method of Investigation
Foreign Language is taught beginning in the second grade
Art- students are allowed to unleash their creativity in art class weekly
Music- once a week students engage in singing, puppetry with musical instruments as they learn the history of instruments, composers and their musical styles
Field Trips are taken to bring all subjects taught alive for the students.
Summer School- Statistics show that students loose academic ground during the summer months out of school. During the summer months at the MPCA, academics continue through some classroom activities as well as through field trips and hands on activities.
Mrs. Theodora Jackson-Head of School
Mrs. Jackson has been an educator for over 50 years. First as a mother teaching her three children to read and write before they entered public school and as a classroom teacher and librarian in public schools for 25 years. Mrs. Jackson holds degrees from The University of Massachusetts and Simmons University.
Ms. Courtney Bullaboy
Ms. Bullaboy has over 40 year’s experience in education. She is Kindermusik trained and has taught children’s music for over 20 years. At MPCA she teaches language and music.
Mrs. Deborah Gundersen
Mrs. Gundersen is an experienced preschool teacher. Mrs. Gundersen teaches preschool and art.
Mr. Karene Thomas
Mr. Thomas loves children and is passionate about preparing young people particularly boys for the future. Mr. Thomas teaches physical education and basketball. Mr. Thomas is raising two boys with his wife Destiny.
Mr. Jackie Spence-Van Driver- loves children. He is the father of 6 daughters, 7 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.
Donna Riddick,Asheley White-General Assistants